Monday 03 July 2023
- Bible Book:
- John
Jesus said to him, 'Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.' (v. 29)
Our chosen verses for today occur after Jesus has risen from the dead and follow his first appearance to the group of disciples. Unfortunately for the disciple Thomas, he is not present at the time and only gets to hear about the encounter with Jesus after the event. His honest response is to say that unless he encounters Jesus for himself, he is struggling to reconcile all he has witnessed with the news he is now hearing. A week later, Thomas gets his wish, as Jesus comes again to the disciples.
Jesus uses two phrases: the first "Peace be with you!" (v. 26) is a simple greeting, as we would welcome anyone we meet with a simple ‘Hello!’ It's a phrase that is full of openness and inclusion; a phrase that puts the other person at ease and opens the door of opportunity for further engagement. The second is the word believe (vs 27 & 29). The Greek root behind this translated word is pist, which includes the concept of trust: trusting, or relying, on something or someone. While we often consider belief to be an act of thoughtful reflection involving weighing up the evidence or facts presented to us, trust can be regarded as an emotional response, without proof or prior experience. Arguably, the words of Jesus in v. 29 relate to you and me today – can we trust in Jesus in the way Thomas and the others did?
To Ponder:
- What situations or experiences called for you to trust in something or someone? How did you feel after the event?
- What evidence do you require to believe, trust, or follow Jesus?
We pray for our churches to be trusted places, where all can come and seek God in a safe and secure manner.