Monday 03 March 2014
- Bible Book:
- Romans
“I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean.” (v. 14)
We pick up the dispute that Paul was trying to settle in
It is, at first sight, an odd statement. The Gospel of Mark ismuch clearer: Jesus said, "Whatever goes into a person cannotdefile", and the evangelist adds, "Thus he declared all foodsclean" (Mark 7:18-19). It is clear from elsewhere inthe epistles and Acts that that was precisely the position Paul hadreceived and now followed. So, is Paul here saying somethingdifferent - that you need to make up your own mind on thispoint?
Paul's concern is that the Church should resemble the kingdom ofGod. He reminds the readers that the kingdom is not about eating ornot eating the right things but about "righteousness and peace andjoy in the Holy Spirit" (v. 17). Wilfully to upset anotherChristian who had a sincerely held position does not make for"peace and mutual upbuilding" (v. 19). In the interests of harmonyin the Church and out of sensitivity to the scruples of others aChristian should sometimes tread carefully. Paul does not thinkthat this is a minor concern.
The overarching theme of the letter to the Romans is theimportance of faith through which we are made righteous. Given thatfaith is so important and that faith has replaced the law as theguiding principle in the believer's life, it follows that we arebound to act according to our faith and that not to do so is, ineffect, to commit a sin. Some translators prefer the word'conviction' to 'faith' in the last verse of the chapter: 'Whateverdoes not proceed from conviction is sin' (v. 23).
We have moved a long way in this passage. Paul began by urgingthe Romans not to judge each other; he ends by asking them torecognise the importance of each other's convictions as sincerelyheld.
To Ponder
- What scruples do other Christians have that we need to respect?For instance, about shopping on Sundays? Or drinking wine? Orbuying lottery tickets?
- Do we simply have to accept that on some issues (eg gambling oralcohol) we hold different but equally firm convictions? Is itbetter to challenge or to question each other on these points ornot? Why?