Monday 03 May 2010

Bible Book:

"Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, 'Lord, how is it that you will reveal yourself to us, and not to the world?' Jesus answered him, 'Those who love me will keep my word, and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.'" (v.22-23)

John 14:21-26 Monday 3 May 2010


This passage lies at the beginning of 'The Farewell Discourse' -four chapters in John's Gospel where Jesus gave his final teachingto his disciples as he said goodbye to them. These verses containtwo important themes: Jesus' abiding presence with those who followhim and, love.

Earlier, in chapter 14, Jesus told his close disciples not to beafraid because he was going before them to prepare a place for themin his father's house. These words are often used in Christianfuneral services and many people interpret them to mean that Jesuswas going to prepare a place for his disciples in heaven. But theconcepts of 'house' and 'dwelling' are used throughout John'sGospel as a metaphor for having a relationship with God and Jesus,and we see that here too.

The 'other' Judas (ie not the one who would betray Jesus) wonderedhow it could be that Jesus would reveal himself to the disciplesbut not to the world. The disciples were still stuck in their ownidea of what the Messiah was going to be like: a mighty hero whowould save the Jewish people from their enemies and oppressors -the Romans. But Jesus was talking about something different. He wastalking about having a relationship with him in love. Not romanticlove and not the kind of love a person has for a child or a parent,but the kind of love that is rooted in ethics and sometimes induty: love God with all your heart and love your neighbour asyourself (Matthew 22:36-39).

Christians often talk about 'having a relationship with God andJesus' but it's not always clear to everyone what this might mean.Yet, throughout these passages, Jesus told his disciples that theysaw what he did on earth, they had a friendship with him and, ifthey wanted to continue to be his friends after he is gone, theywould imitate what Jesus did and obey what he taught them.

But still, the disciples remained puzzled about what it might meanto have a relationship with Jesus after he was gone from thisearth.

To Ponder

Christians often talk about 'having arelationship with Jesus'. What, if anything, does this concept meanto you?

At funerals people often talk about the deceased'living on' in the memory of the living. How have you continued tohave a relationship with someone who has passed away?

What kind of love do you think that Jesus istalking about in the above passage?

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