Monday 05 January 2009

Bible Book:
1 John

"Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action." (v.18)

1 John 3:11-21 Monday 5 January 2009


This letter begins without an introduction or opening, unlikemany of Paul's epistles. We cannot know with certainty who were theintended recipients, but the letter's content suggests that it waswritten to a specific church or group of churches, facing adefinite situation.

John has themes that he returns to again and again as he writes. Inthe first part of the letter he talks about God as being light,without any darkness at all. He then goes on to speak about God aslove - "this is the message you have heard from the beginning" - weshould love another (verse 11), as Jesus loves us.

In this passage there is an allusion back to Jesus' teaching of the'Sermon on the Mount' in Matthew's Gospel (chapters 5-7).Jesus not only says that those who commit murder will be open tojudgement, but anyone who is angry or insults their brother orsister will be similarly liable (Matthew 5:21-22).Not to love then, is to be as bad as a murderer.

Love, as John rightly suggests, should consume our whole being, andbe evident from every pore of our body. What we do, what we say andwhat we think will reveal us to be people of love and people ofGod.

To Ponder

Step outside your own shoes and try and look atyourself as others see you. Are you friendly or distant? Are youaware of what is going on around you? Are you someone others canask for help from? What does your behaviour and demeanour tellother people about your faith?

Look for the opportunity today to do something orsay something that reveals yourself to be a person of love.

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