Monday 05 May 2008

Bible Book:

"This is the thing that the Lord commanded you to do, so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you." (v.6)

Leviticus 9:1-24 Monday 5 May 2008


Leviticus is a book of rules. These were given to Moses by Godon Mount Sinai. Many of the rules refer to rituals of worship anddomestic living and these can seem very strange today.

Sacrifice was a major part of religion in the Middle East at thistime. A sacrifice was made on an altar - a stone table - usually ina place set apart for that purpose called a sanctuary. Thesacrifice was always carried out by a priest.

The sacrifices referred to in this chapter are the "sin offering"(made because a law had been broken) and the "grain offering" (madeas a gift). The sacrifices of "well being" were made so that thosemaking the sacrifice would have a right relationship with God.Seeing the glory of God was hopefully the result of the sacrificeand a demonstration by God that the sacrifice had been accepted andall was well.

Moses guides Aaron (his brother) in his duties as a priest to offersacrifices on behalf of the Israelites. Aaron is told to offer hisown sacrifice before offering sacrifices on behalf of others. Incarrying out all the duties himself, Aaron is demonstrating that,as a priest, he is also a servant. Performing these duties in frontof everyone must have been quite a task.

As we read this chapter today, the idea of animal sacrifice may notsit well with us in the 21st century (depending on our culturalbackground). To people of Moses' time however, it was giving theirbest to God.

To Ponder

How is the glory of God seen today?

Do we expect God to act and God's glory to beseen as we worship? In what ways have you seen this in your worshiplife?

Sunday 04 May 2008
Tuesday 06 May 2008