Monday 06 April 2009

Bible Book:

"Jesus said, 'Leave her alone. She bought it so that she might keep it for the day of my burial. You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.'" (v.7-8)

John 12:1-11 Monday 6 April 2009


At this point in the Gospel of John, we are nearing the end ofJesus' life. For him to come to Jerusalem was an act of greatcourage: he had been made an outlaw by the authorities. Bethany hadbeen marked out as the 'official' place for the overflow ofpilgrims who had been travelling to celebrate the Passover festivalin the city of Jerusalem.

When Jesus arrived in Bethany, Mary and Martha made him a meal. Itmay have been that they shared the house with their brotherLazarus. It seems that as the meal was being served Mary's heartran over with love. She had a pound or pint (depending on thetranslation) of very expensive ointment or perfume, and with it,she anointed Jesus' feet.

The disciple Judas Iscariot questioned the motive and accused herof wasting such an expensive item. The money spent on the perfumecould have been given to the poor. But this was Mary's way ofshowing her undying love for her Lord, and so she used her hair towipe Jesus' feet.

In Palestine, at the time, from the day a woman married her hairwould be bound up and never seen flowing in public. However, Marywas not bothered about what people might think. She was happy toshow her love for Jesus.

In verse 3, John includes the sentence "the house was filled withthe fragrance of the perfume", which also tells us something aboutlove. Many of John's statements have two meanings: one which lieson the surface and one which might need a little more working out.Some have suggested that this verse also refers to the room beingfilled with the sweet memory of Mary's actions. A lovely actionthat adds to life is something which time can never take away.

To Ponder

When was the last time you showed love to someonein a act of unselfconsciousness like Mary? Look for an opportunityto do so again.

The gospel (good news) message is one of humilityand love for all people. How easy is it for you to show humility inyour day-to-day life?

Are there things in your life which you feel needattention? Remember that failure to act, especially failure toexpress love, might bring regrets.

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