Monday 07 January 2008

Bible Book:

"But you, O Bethlehem of Ephrathah, who are one of the little clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to rule in Israel... And he shall be the one of peace". (v.2 & 5)

Micah 5:2-9 Monday 7 January 2008


Little is known about Micah, apart from that he was acontemporary of Isaiah. Micah's words alternate between messages ofdoom and messages of hope, with the overarching theme beingjudgement and deliverance by God. In this passage we have theprophecy which foretells the coming of the Messiah.

Bethlehem is a small city that does not have a large population,nor are there famous people living there. It is an ordinary townwhere ordinary people live. These are occupied lands and Bethlehemis among the least significant places. The Romans would not havebeen very interested in this small place where a few Jewslived.

However Bethlehem is clearly connected to Israel's history by itsname and by its connection with the House of Judah. The Romansshould have been more wary. This is the town from which redemptioncomes.

It is fitting that Jesus should be born in 'The House of Bread'since he will become the 'Bread of Life'. Israel has waited for aMessiah for generations, patiently continuing to hope while theJewish nation declines. Micah prophesies that the remaining peopleof Judah will be like showers and dew, both traditionally signs ofblessing. From these people will come life and rebirth, just likerain brings life and dew is a sign of the coming morning. Therewill be light and life coming from Bethlehem. None of this willhappen until the allotted time, but it will happen.

However it is not all good news. The remnant of Judah will besurrounded by difficult people and dangerous enemies. God promisesthat in the end they will be triumphant. In the midst of adversitycomes redemption. This is ultimately a story of saving grace.

To Ponder

Where are you seeking grace? Is it in an obviousplace or in the midst of difficulty?

How can you bring light and life to yourcommunity?

To what extent are you prepared to wait patientlyuntil the time God has allotted for you?

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