Monday 07 July 2014
“Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?” (v. 29)
News travels fast in small communities. In a warm climate wherewindows and doors are open and life can be lived very closetogether, people know each others' 'business'. Just a few weeksafter I had come to live in Grenada a man whom I had never met,called out to me by name in the street, having heard about this newEnglish mission partner!
Today's passage is at the end of the extraordinarytaboo-breaking encounter of Jesus the Jewish Rabbi with theSamaritan woman (John 4:1-16). The disciples are clearlyscandalised Jesus' actions, but stay quiet. The woman would have nodoubt been well known in her community, her experiences with sixdifferent men (John 4:18) would have made her a prime targetfor juicy gossip of her 'business'. We get the impression fromScripture that this has resulted in her rejection andmarginalisation. Yet through her conversation with Jesus she hasexperienced something completely different. Here is someone wholistens, someone who respect her, someone who 'knows her business'yet does not reject her but offers her "living water" (
The effect on her is powerful. She leaves her water jar, perhapssymbolising her old life, at the well and she goes back to hercommunity, faces all those gossipers and tells everyone how thisman knew 'her business'. This is in contrast to the disciples who,in this story, seem static and inward looking in comparison,focused on food. However the powerful yet simple first-handtestimony of a woman's meeting with Jesus draws people out to meethim. She was a subject of gossip and has now used that very gossipto spread the news about this man. In the two days that Jesusspends there many more gain a first-hand personal encounter withJesus. They hear for themselves and state that "this is truly theSaviour of the world" (v. 42).
To Ponder
- The woman said "Come and see a man who ...", and spoke abouther encounter with Jesus. How would you finish this phrase?
- Who is the basis of gossip in your community? How could youchallenge the taboo and gossip? How could you approach that personin the same way as Jesus?
- What could you do to gossip the gospel (the good news aboutJesus)?