Monday 08 June 2009

Bible Book:
2 Corinthians

"He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God." (v.4)

2 Corinthians 1:1-7 Monday 8 June 2009


This passage mentions a word several times that is actuallydifficult to translate directly into English. The word in the Greekis 'parakalo' and it is translated as 'to console' with an emphasison encouragement and strengthening at difficult times. It is thesame word used in John's Gospel (14:16, 15:26, 16:7) whenreferring to the Spirit as 'the Comforter'. It is a word that hasgreat resonance and reassurance for us.

A key part of the message here is to place confidence in God atdifficult times in your life. We can trust God to always show mercyand care for us and help us in times of trouble. Some of thesuffering Paul (the traditional writer of this letter) refers to inthis passage is inflicted on believers by other believers. We readabout challenges to Paul's leadership and questioning of hisintegrity and authority that cause him suffering. In all this Paulturns to God for consolation, rather than turn against those whohave caused his suffering.

God doesn't comfort us simply as an end in itself. Rather, thosewho are comforted are transformed so that they can then comfortothers. In difficult times, in affliction, we are transformed bygrace. God does not focus simply on our problems but ontransforming us. God's consolation overflows so that we don'treceive enough only for our own sake, but more than enough forothers too.

God's power comes to us in our weakness. The world often respectsstrength and pities weakness. People hope for signs and wondersfrom God, believing great shows of supernatural strength proveGod's worth and ours. But God's strength is clear in situations ofweakness. This seems contradictory, but it is a point Paul makesstrongly here and elsewhere in his writing. This teaching does notmean that of itself suffering is good, or that God is pleased whenwe suffer, so that God's strength might be shown. Rather, God'sresponse to our suffering is part of God's redeeming plan for allpeople.

To Ponder

Read this passage again as if you are someone whohas suffered greatly. How does that feel?

And now read this passage as someone who takesgreat pride in being successful. Again how does this make youfeel?

Think of a difficult situation in your home,community, church or circuit. How is God at work transformingpeople in difficult times?

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