Monday 09 December 2019
In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will. (v. 11)
Psalm: Psalm 113
The opening verses of today's reading are in the form of a traditional Jewish prayer, blessing God for the gift of Christ and all that that means. And then Paul moves on to pile up more and more phrases that underline the greatness of God’s grace in Christ. It’s inspiring stuff.
The reason for this passage of scripture today is that some Christian traditions mark this day as the conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Protestants, Methodists included, have tended to say very little about the place of Mary, no doubt worried about the kind of excessive Marian devotion that has emerged in some other traditions. But this neglect is both unfortunate and unnecessary. Mary is part of the story of Jesus and the best way of understanding some of the dogmas about her is to see in them a sense of God’s holiness at work in the life of a lowly human being. In many biblical stories we see God choose a particular person – often a very unlikely person – for a particular role. The same is true of Mary. Part of the Advent story is of her accepting her destiny to be the mother of the Messiah, to allow the grace and holiness of God to flood her life so that through her God’s presence in a human life was complete.
To Ponder:
- Do you have a sense of being chosen by God? If so, how have you responded to it?
- What makes you think of yourself as an unlikely choice for God’s call?
- Think of some phrases to express your own praise and thanks to God.