Monday 10 April 2023

Bible Book:

Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith for his name’s sake. (v. 5)

Romans 1:1-7 Monday 10 April 2023


I am stirred by the Easter story. It tells of a radical new gospel of a love that even death cannot destroy. The world might see Jesus dying on a cross as a sign of ultimate failure and disgrace, but it is not to those "that are being saved" (1 Corinthians 1:18). The news that Jesus has risen from the tomb is first told by women and not men (Matthew 28:1-10); and it is news to be sent to the Gentiles and not just to the Jews. An early clue about this radical departure from the past is found in Luke 22:10. A man carrying a water jar (and not a woman) is the signpost for where the Last Supper will take place. A new thing is being done or perhaps a more ancient thing; something that the writer CS Lewis describes as ‘the deeper magic’.  The Cross and the Resurrection are part of the deepest reality of creation itself, part of its fabric. This is a gospel promised ‘beforehand’ (v. 2); the ancient promise to Abraham in which his descendants will bless all nations (Genesis 22:18).

Sometimes the Church appears to lay claim to all truth and knowledge of salvation, but this can be misleading and unhelpful; for the light with which we are entrusted is not ours, it has been held by countless godly people before us, for whom their faith is "counted as righteous" (Genesis 15:6).  In different ways, cultures and times it has been embodied.  It is also not for us alone, because the promise is beforehand (v. 2) and is for others not tightly defined by our theories of Church and faith.

I wonder where you see God’s light shining not only through the Church, but despite the Church! Who is it shining for?


 To Ponder:

  • According to the Taizé song ‘Ubi caritas': "Where charity and love are, there is God", which is a challenge.  Where do you see God outside or within the Church?
  • Who do you think might be a modern, ‘apostle to the Gentiles’?
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