Monday 10 August 2009

Bible Book:

"For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribes." (v.17)

Deuteronomy 10:12-22 Monday 10 August 2009


The word 'Deuteronomy' means 'repetition of the law' and it wastraditionally thought that the main part of it was written by Mosesjust before his death around 1406 BC. Most scholars today, however,believe that Deuteronomy was composed by a number of authors in thelate 7th century BC, during the religious reform carried out underKing Josiah.

This passage places Moses and the Israelites in the territory ofMoab, in the area where the river Jordan flows into the Dead Sea.Moses was involved in transferring his leadership to Joshua, and sohe gave a number of farewell addresses so as to prepare the peoplefor this change and for their move into Canaan (the 'PromisedLand').

These addresses allowed the people to renew their commitment toGod. In them, Moses highlighted the laws that were especiallyimportant at such a time, and he did so in a way that wasappropriate to each situation. Today's passage is one suchaddress.

The emphasis in Deuteronomy is on the love relationship between Godand God's people. The book calls for total commitment to the Lordin obedience and worship, and references to its message are foundthroughout the rest of the Bible.

To Ponder

How far is it possible for Christians to honourGod and to keep their hands clean whenworking in the areas of politics, the police, business andcommerce?

Which groups of people do you consider to beoutsiders in your society today?

Do you believe that they can challenge andinspire you in your Christian faith? How?

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