Monday 10 June 2013

Bible Book:

Luke 6:47-49 Monday 10 June 2013


This parable comes at the end of what is commonly known as the'sermon on the plain' which begins at Luke6:17. Luke's Gospel describes how Jesus came down from amountain, having chosen his 12 disciples (verses 12 to 16) beforedelivering this 'sermon' to a great multitude. In choosing 12disciples we are reminded of the 12 tribes of Israel, whilst thedescription of Jesus coming down from the mountain and deliveringhis teaching to the multitude reminds us of Moses coming down fromthe mountain and delivering the 10 commandments to the waitingtribes (Exodus 20).

This parable serves as a good summary and conclusion to the'sermon' because it speaks about the importance of hearing andacting on Jesus' words. This is emphasised by the passage followingon from these verses. The story (Luke7:1-10) is about the healing of the centurion's servant; thecenturion seems to be the living embodiment of the person who hearsthe words of Christ and acts on them because he recognises theirauthority. He speaks about his own soldiers who hear his commandsand obey him and how he therefore places himself under Christ'sauthority. Jesus describes this man as having great faith becauseat the heart of obedience to commands is faith in the person whoissues them.

The parable speaks about two houses, one which has a foundationbuilt on rock and the other with no foundation. It also speaksabout a river rising a causing a flood. We might interpret theseimages so that the house represents the self and the rockrepresents the words of Christ. The river is often interpreted asrepresenting the challenges and problems of life which may affectus from time to time and we can therefore draw appropriateconclusions from this story. But maybe the river also representsthe Holy Spirit. Perhaps therefore this is a parable aboutmaintaining a good balance between the word of Christ and the HolySpirit.

To Ponder

  • What are the foundations of your life?
  • Which areas of your life do you find it hardest to trust Godwith?
  • What might God be asking you to do today?
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