Monday 15 March 2021

Bible Book:

But they would not listen. (v. 11)

Jeremiah 13: 1-11 Monday 15 March 2021

Psalm 110 


Last week, the readings from Jeremiah picked up the theme of pleading to those who would prefer not to hear. The reading today, which echoes during subsequent days this week, concentrates more on the inner struggles that Jeremiah lives with. Are all the warnings to others about their behaviour worth the bother? Is God still with him and wanting him to prophesy in this way? When he is being attacked, verbally or physically, is God concerned?

Today’s reading tells of a vision that God gives to Jeremiah and his understanding of it. God is saying that Jeremiah should be in no doubt that the people of Judah have turned away from the old covenant relationship that was established on Mount Sinai, when they said: "All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient.” (Exodus 24:7) The vivid illustration of rotting linen in today’s reading is all about God’s displeasure.

The piece of linen was a loin-cloth, a piece of underwear that fits snugly next to the skin.  It both symbolises and emphasises the closeness of the relationship between God and his people. The garment itself is newly bought and the symbolism here is the fickle willingness of the people of Judah to adopt new ways, new ideas, even a new morality; thereby forgetting the original agreement between God and his people. This piece of linen will rot; it will be of no value. God’s people have refused to hear what God is saying and have chosen their own way to ruin, not least through King Jehoiakim’s willingness to support Babylonian gods and foreign policy.

Jeremiah’s inner conflict is well known to all people of faith. Should he “go with the flow” of new ideas, modern thinking? Or stand up for what he has always believed is right? If so, how should he go about it? Importantly, how will his relationship with God help him in adversity?

There are huge issues facing Christianity at the moment, not least attitudes that need to be faced if the Church is to be truly diverse, inclusive and welcoming to all. Yesterday’s reading included the words “God so loved the world…” (John 3:16); those words are always both comforting and a challenge.

 To Ponder:

  •  In verse 11 God laments, “But they would not listen”. Today’s verses remind us of the importance to listen well to what God is saying  and to consider how we  respond. Find time today to reflect on when God might have been speaking to you  - and where it might lead.
  • For many Christians, prayers can be regular, but rushed; or follow a formula rather than be a spontaneous conversation. Gareth Hill’s hymn 511 in Singing the Faith invites us to give God the time to use the space,  asking God to speak in the stillness. 
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