Monday 15 October 2007

Bible Book:

"Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses... and the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed. When the cloud went away from the tent, Miriam had become leprous, as white as snow". (v.1,9,10)

Numbers 12:1-15 Monday 15 October 2007


The book of Numbers tells the story of the Israelites during thenearly 40 years they wandered from Mount Sinai to the border of theland that God had promised to give them. The name of the bookrefers to the censuses which Moses took of the Israelites at MountSinai and other places during that period.

Numbers is an account of people who were often discouraged andafraid in the face of hardship, and who rebelled against God andagainst Moses. It is the story of God's faithful, persistent carefor his people in spite of their weakness and disobedience. It alsotells of Moses' steadfast, if sometimes impatient, devotion both toGod and his people.

The heart of this passage is the challenge of Aaron and Miriam tothe privileged position and uniqueness of Moses. It is one of anumber of occasions when Moses' leadership was challenged as thepeople travelled through the wilderness.

Miriam and Aaron complain that Moses had married a Cushite woman (aforeigner), but the real challenge was 'Has the Lord spoken onlythrough Moses? Has he not spoken through us also?'

Whatever gifts Aaron and Miriam had, Moses was unique. But he was'very humble' more so than anyone else (v.3). The suggestion isthat he did not push his authority. The passage describes how Godcalls a meeting to support Moses.

After God had spoken, Miriam became leprous, as white as snow. Thiswas not true leprosy but a milder skin complaint. She had to sufferpublic shame by being excluded from the camp for seven days(v.14).

To Ponder

Have you challenged the leadership in yourchurch? In what circumstances might it be right to do so?

Miriam was punished for her actions - do youthink God punishes people today and if so in what way?

Imagine you were Miriam; how would you feel aboutGod, Moses, Aaron and yourself?

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