Monday 18 August 2008

Bible Book:
2 Kings

"Elisha ... sent a message to the king, 'Let him come to me, that he may learn there is a prophet in Israel'. So Naaman came with his horses and chariots, and halted at the entrance to Elisha's house. Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, 'Go, wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored and you shall be clean'. But Naaman became angry." (v.8-11)

2 Kings 5:1-14 Monday 18 August 2008


At the time of this story, Israel was probably a state ruled bythe nation of Aram (roughly modern-day Syria) and subordinate toit. This means the story likely took place near the end of Elisha'slife.

Naaman is introduced to us as a heroic figure, so when we are toldat the end of the introduction that he has leprosy - a general termat that time for skin disease - our sympathies lie with him. Theyare enhanced by the desire of the servant girl that he should becured, despite the fact that she is a captive to the Aramean peopleand slave to Naaman's wife.

Prophets obtained their living by receiving gifts, but 70 kilos ofgold and five times that much silver makes for a good story (andfeatures later in the chapter - verses 20-27). The story is toldcomically by the failure of the king of Aram's letter to the kingof Israel to actually mention the prophet (whom the reader of thisbook will already know is Elisha!)

Elisha breaks through the government bureaucracy and then snuffsthe status of Naaman by making a prescription without evenexamining the patient, and one which is quite at odds with whatNaaman expected. In the end it is only by listening to his servantsthat Naaman receives what he came for. His leprosy is cured.

To Ponder

Compare the aim of Naaman with the aim of Elisha.To what extent do we fail to experience a healing God because we,like Naaman, focus on the 'healing' rather than the 'God'?

The internet can encourage some people toself-diagnose when they are ill, so often they end up telling thedoctor what they want prescribed. Have you ever done somethingsimilar when consulting God about your spiritual health? What wasthe outcome?

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