Monday 18 May 2009

Bible Book:

"A certain woman named Lydia, a worshipper of God, was listening to us... The Lord opened her heart to listen eagerly to what was said by Paul. When she and her household were baptized, she urged us, saying, 'If you judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come and stay at my home'." (v.14-15)

Acts 16:11-15 Monday 18 May 2009


Paul and Silas came to the city of Philippi (which was a Romanprovince of Macedonia) through the leading of the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:6).

Lydia, who is instrumental in the founding of the Church inPhilippi, is probably so named to simply mean 'the one from Lydia'.We are told in verse 14 that she was from Thyatira, a city in theregion of Lydia in Asia Minor (modern-day western Turkey).

Certain characteristics mark Lydia out as a Christianbeliever:

  • Prayer. We are told she was a worshipper of God (verse 14),which would explain how they met Paul's party at this "place ofprayer", outside the city gates by the river. According to Jewishlaw, ten men who were heads of households were required as regularmembers for the establishment of a synagogue. If this wasn'tpossible, a place of prayer under open sky and near a river or seawould have been used.

  • Open-mindedness and good listener (verse 14). It was becauseshe was listening that God opened her heart to respond to Paul'smessage about Jesus. Open-mindedness often goes hand in hand withopen-heartedness.

  • Hospitality (verse 15). Lydia's hospitality was not simply anact of charity. It was the key that unlocked the possibilities of agrowing faith community.


To Ponder

How does Lydia embrace the hospitality? In whatways can you use Lydia as a role model for hospitality? In whatways do you already embrace hospitality?

Following the example of the Philippian Church,what part does prayer play in your life and that of your church? Inwhat ways do you think prayer affects your life, community andchurch?

Sunday 17 May 2009
Tuesday 19 May 2009