Monday 19 March 2012

Bible Book:

"'She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.' All this took place to fulfil what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: 'Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel', which means, 'God is with us'." (vv. 21-23)

Matthew 1:18-25 Monday 19 March 2012


Matthew writes primarily, to a Jewish audience well acquaintedwith the Old Testament prophecies, aiming to present Jesus as thelong-awaited Messiah (Christ in Greek), and as king.

The genealogy in Matthew1:1-17 establishes Jesus' direct lineage to the throne ofKing David, legally through Joseph (listed as Mary's husband, andnot as Jesus' father), and Mary (see also Luke3:23-38). By including five women amongst Christ's ancestors,three of whom were non-Jewish, gender and racial distinctions areremoved, pointing to Jesus as Saviour for all.

In verse 18, Matthew's Gospel shows that Mary chose to place herfaith in God's word (Luke1:35), and was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. As aresult of her faith choice, Mary is known as the most blessedwoman, to this day.

Verses 19-25 give Joseph's perspective of Jesus' birth. The Jewishcustom of betrothal, meant that the couple would enter a legallybinding pre-nuptial contract for approximately a year. During thisengagement period the couple was recognised as husband and wife,even though they didn't live together, and any basis for annulmentwould require a legal divorce.

Joseph, when faced with a heart-wrenching decision, demonstratesintegrity; love, compassion and justice, by deciding to discreetlydivorce Mary. But God intervened by sending an angelic messenger toexplain Jesus' divine conception, and saving purpose, to Joseph.His response was one of belief, and obedience to God's guidance,regardless of consequences.

Joseph fulfilled God's purpose by marrying Mary, and naming thebaby, "Jesus" (meaning 'the Lord saves'). In verse 23 Matthewquotes two Old Testament prophecies that relate, to the birth ofMessiah: Isaiah 7:14. Only Christianity announces a Godwho took on human form, suffered death and was raised again inorder to save people from their sins.

To Ponder

As you reflect on Jesus' humanity and deity, whatconcern, or seemingly impossible situation, will you take to theLord in prayer, knowing that he understands our human frailty, andas God has the ability to help?

Individually, Mary and Joseph listened to God'smessage and then acted in obedience. For what task is God askingyou to step out of your comfort zone and trust him?

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