Monday 19 May 2014

Bible Book:

“So I say to you, Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (v. 9)

Luke 11:1-13 Monday 19 May 2014


The disciples recognised the importance of prayer in Jesus' lifeso they asked him to teach them to pray. It is unfortunate thatthis teaching, as recorded here, can be misused. Jesus is notpromising that God will grant all our desires, nor is he indicatingthat the giving is a reward for persistent faith. 'Ask', 'seek' and'knock' are said in the context of the whole gospel (good news ofJesus) and the realisation of the kingdom of God that was centralto Jesus' teachings. The door on which we are to knock is the doorof the kingdom. If this is the context in which we pray, then wecan pray with confidence. God will give, as does a wise and lovingparent.

What we are promised is the gift of the Holy Spirit. The mostimportant reason to pray is to receive the assurance of the abidingpresence of God, and this God can and does provide to those whoask. We ask and search and knock in order to open the door of ourhearts and minds to the gift of the Holy Spirit.

To Ponder

  • When you pray, what are you searching and asking for?
  • How helpful do you find the Lord's Prayer in your personal andcorporate devotions?
  • How would you describe the place of prayer in your life?
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