Monday 19 November 2012

Bible Book:

"No, for I have chosen him, that he may charge his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice; so that the Lord may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him." (v. 19)

Genesis 18:16-33 Monday 19 November 2012


Abraham, the courteous host, accompanies his guests for part ofthe way on the road toward Sodom, their ultimate destination.

Aware of the impending destruction of Sodom, Abraham boldlyapproaches the Lord to intercede for the city. "Will you indeedsweep away the righteous with the wicked?" is the question thatAbraham asks (v. 23). Although Abraham is no doubt deeply concernedabout Lot and his family who live in the city, he is mainlyinterested in the larger issue of God's justice as it relates tothe whole of the city. With his keen sense of justice and hisgenuine love for all, Abraham cannot believe that God "the Judge ofall the earth" (v. 25), will destroy the righteous along with thewicked. With this in his mind he pleads with God to spare Sodom ifhe finds 50 righteous people in it (verse 24). Once God agrees tothis, Abraham becomes bolder in his pleadings (verses 28-32).

A number of things stand out in this story:

  • There is the concern of this complete stranger for the wickedcitizens of Sodom. Abraham's love for the people springs from hislove for God.
  • Abraham's persistent pleading for Sodom reveals an unshakeablefaith in the ultimate justice and goodness of God.
  • We see the preservative power of a few righteous people. By thepresence of people of faith in the world, the overwhelming power ofevil is restrained.

To Ponder

  • How does your love for other people spring from your love ofGod? Think of some examples.
  • In what way is your faith unshakeable (or not)?
  • What is the power of faithful people?
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