Monday 21 April 2008

Bible Book:

"The Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud by day, to lead them along the way, and in a pillar of cloud by night, to give them light, so that they might travel by day and by night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people". (v.21-22)

Exodus 13:17-22 Monday 21 April 2008


It was easy enough for the Israelites to want freedom from Egyptwhen they were suffering under Pharaoh's oppression. Further intothe wilderness however, the comparative security of their Egyptianslavery would be remembered fondly as they murmured against Moses -"At least back then we knew there was food and water!"

This reading from Exodus marks the beginning of the Israelites'time in the wilderness - the time when God's people would wandermany years and endure much hardship on their way to the PromisedLand. The passage explains why God led them into the wilderness.God worried that if they faced attack along the more direct routethey would lose heart and return to Pharaoh. Here they are, full ofvinegar and "ready for battle", the text says, yet God knew thatthey needed protection.

I am sometimes jealous of the clarity of direction that a pillar ofcloud or flame would give -our way can seem frighteninglyunaccompanied or unguided by comparison. Yet we too have ourguiding pillars, the signs of God's faithfulness day and night.They are the needs and injustices that direct our service, thehunger for holiness and most of all, the command of Christ to "Loveone another as I have loved you" (John 13:34). Theyare as clear and tangible a sign of God's direction andfaithfulness as any smoke or flame.

We too may murmur about days gone by and wonder why God does notseem to bring us to our future by a direct route, but God isfaithful and we are still walking.

To Ponder

Have you ever felt you were "wandering in awilderness"? When was that time and what was the outcome?

What needs do you see in your community? Howmight they be guiding your 'way' - directing you to prayer oraction?

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