Monday 21 January 2013

Bible Book:

"And in the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people', it shall be said to them, 'Children of the Living God'." (v. 10)

Hosea 1:1 – 2:1 Monday 21 January 2013


Over the next few weeks we shall be looking at the remarkablelife and ministry of Hosea, the 8th century BC prophet wholived at a time when the kingdom had split into two, the northernkingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. This schismwas interpreted by many of the prophets in terms of God'spunishment of God's own people in response to theirfaithlessness.

What is remarkable about Hosea's prophecy is two things:

  • the way in which he views the pain and problems of his ownfamily life, in particular the adultery of his wife Gomer, in termsof a kind of enacted parable of God's love for God's own faithlesspeople
  • despite all his disappointments and despair, Hosea continues tolove his wife and longs for her return, and interprets this interms of the faithful and long-suffering love of God.

This opening chapter sets the scene for what will be explored inthe prophecies of later chapters. He marries an unfaithful wifeGomer (verse 2), a marriage which he understands as part of God'scall to him. They then have a series of children who are each namedto reflect God's coming judgement, a son Jezreel (which means 'Godsows') a reference perhaps to the massacre by which Jehu came to beking (verse 4), then a daughter Lo-ruhamah (which means 'notpitied') for God will have no pity on Israel (verse 6), and thenanother son named Lo-ammi (which means 'not my people') becauseGodhas said Israel is no longer God's people (verse 8).

In such actions we find echoes of the 'naming' prophecies to befound also in Isaiah (chapter 8) and in Ezekiel's story of twosisters, Oholah and Oholibah (chapter 23). What is distinctive about Hosea isthe way he will continue to find God speaking through these unhappyrelationships and how he continues to long for reconciliation, bothwith God and with his family. Hence the hope expressed in theclosing verses of today's passage, that the people of Israel and ofJudah may yet both be called "Children of the living God".

To Ponder

  • How helpful do you find Hosea's interpretation of his ownfamily life in terms of the story of God's love for God's ownpeople?
  • Is it possible to hear God's word in the sometimes messyoutworking of our human relationships - or can there be a danger inthis?
  • To what extent do you share Hosea's hope for an ultimatereconciliation?
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