Monday 23 November 2009
- Bible Book:
- Revelation
"For the hour of his judgement has come." (v.7)
The Book of Revelation is in essence a drama of two conflictingreigns. This great drama is played out from an opening scene (
"To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing andhonour and glory and might, for ever and ever!" (Revelation5:13)
This is the truth at the heart of creation: God reigns in majestyand the present and the future are in God's hands. But on the earthbelow, another rule and reign are rampant. The 'beast' seems incontrol and one of its centres is named as Pergamum (Revelation2:13), a city in Asia Minor where the Christian Church wasstruggling.
So the war between the beast (believed by some to represent theRoman Empire) and God's people rages. A second beast erects astatue of the first beast and everyone is commanded to worship thisstatue; others are branded with the name of the beast on theirforehead.
For John, writing his revelation to the seven Churches, both theRoman Empire and the emperor Domitian (who reigned from AD 81-96)were behaving as though they were God. According to John, God'sresponse is to mark the servants of God on their foreheads with theseal of the living God (
God will proclaim to all the nations, to every person, that Godcomes to judge humanity - but how will this judgement take place?When God comes as a child, requiring love and care and nurture,this too can be judgement.
To Ponder
What would it mean for you to be marked for theliving God?
How would people know?
How does God judge us?