Monday 23 September 2024

I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because he judged me faithful and appointed me to his service, even though I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a man of violence. (vs 12-13)

1 Timothy 1:12-17 Monday 23 September 2024

Psalm 76

This week we are studying passages from the letter Paul has written to Timothy. We find ourselves taking part in a session of quite strong teaching which, if taken seriously, might find us reflecting on our own faith lives to see if we are living up to the guidelines Paul is giving.

In the words we have before us today, Paul testifies to the faith journey he has followed despite his past failures and says how good it was to receive the promise of new life through meeting Jesus and hearing his call. He ends with a prayer giving honour and glory to God. (v. 17)

So what are we to learn to help our own faith through these words? When I was reflecting on them I realised that if we are to be true to the gospel and follow God's call we have to repent the lives we have lived up until now. We may be going through the motions of attending church and being a good Christian, but have we given up the things that prevent us from giving our all – as we are called upon to do?

Some words came back to me from the 1921 hymn 'Awake, awake to love and work!': “To give and give, and give again, what God hath given thee; to spend thyself nor count the cost; to serve right gloriously the God who gave all worlds that are, and all that are to be.”

In other words, when we truly give our lives over in response to God's call, we need to lay aside obstacles that might get in the way of our commitment. Before his conversion, Paul persecuted Christians and was a man of violence (v. 13). Even if we haven't had lives like Paul's, there may be obstacles to overcome. When we reflect on the way we react to our neighbours who might have very different lifestyles to our own, do we condemn them out of hand rather than try to understand? We need to help them. This might mean getting involved in a local action, or it could mean looking at the dark places in the world and playing our part in some way to make a difference to bring peace into wartorn areas and food to the hungry.

It is not an easy starting point for the week, but we need to reflect on these things if we are truly to make a difference on behalf of Jesus Christ.

To Ponder:

  • Spend time taking a look at the way you have been influenced by the world's views and how you could make a difference as you move forward in faith.
  • What volunteer work could you take on to help people who are very different from you come to faith?
  • How would you respond if you heard a very loud voice inside saying “Follow me”? Would you look at your life as Paul did, or run a mile?

As we come to you in prayer, Lord, help us to be truthful in acknowledging the places where we ignore your presence and prefer to follow our human desires and needs. Turn us again to you to enable us to play our part in building your kingdom. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Pat Billsborrow
Pat came into ministry 37 years ago and she has been a supernumerary for 18 years. She is happy to continue serving wherever she is needed.

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