Monday 25 June 2012
- Bible Book:
- Luke
"He is to be called John." (v. 60)
The insight and steadfastness of women is central both to thebeginning and end of Luke's Gospel: Mary, Elizabeth and Anna in thebirth stories, the female disciples of Jesus at the cross and emptytomb. Elizabeth is clear about God's intention and John's name,even though, in a patriarchal society, Zechariah has to at leastappear to have the final say. Zechariah has been struck dumbbecause he did not accept the angel Gabriel's prophecy at facevalue (Luke 1:5-20) and now the villagers exert socialpressure on Elizabeth to give her baby a conventional family name(verses 61-62). But Elizabeth's stubbornness - and God's purposes -win out in the end. Prophecy has been fulfilled.
But the story does not end there. It moves from the fulfilment ofprophecy to a new, forward-looking, prophecy. Verse 66 asks thequestion: "What then will this child become?" The answer is givenin the Song of Zechariah (
All that remains hidden in the future as John grows up to be'strong in spirit' and moves out into the wilderness of Judaea (
To Ponder
What social pressures do you have to resist ifyou are to accept God's challenge and share in God's purpose andwill?
What has happened to you recently that makes youwant to praise God?
How might you find a 'wilderness' where you candeepen your relationship with God?