Monday 27 December 2010
- Bible Book:
- 1 John
"We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands concerning the word of life." (v. 1)
Today is the day when Christians remember St John theEvangelist, according to Christian tradition the author of John'sGospel and the three letters which bear his name.
Today's passage comes from the first of these letters, one of aseries written to Christian communities which have been shaped byJohn's Gospel and seek to follow in that tradition. However, itaddresses a situation in which division has now arisen within thecommunity.
From later references in the letter, it appears that this isbecause there are some who deny that "Jesus Christ has come in theflesh" (1 John 4:2). This may be an early reference toDocetism, a heresy which emerged in the second century and whichsought to downplay the full humanity of Jesus.
Accordingly, this letter begins with a testimony which emphasisesthe truth of the Incarnation in words which resonate with thePrologue to John's Gospel (
The passage continues with a theme which again picks up on thelanguage of the Prologue, that "God is light and in him there is nodarkness at all" (verse 5). It explores the nature of thatfellowship, in terms of what it means to "walk in the light" (verse7). It also recognises both the prevalence of sin in everyone(verse 8) and the willingness of God to "forgive us our sins andcleanse us form all unrighteousness" (verse 9).
To Ponder
How important is the full humanity of Christ toour faith?
How far do we recognise one another's humanity inour common life together?
To what extent is it right to value truth ofdoctrine over unity in fellowship as 1 John appears to do?