Monday 30 September 2013
- Bible Book:
- John
"And he said to him, 'Very truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.'" (v.51)
Things happen quickly at the
And this is where the passage for today begins.
Jesus seems to have a miraculous knowledge of Nathanael,announcing before they have even met that he is a true and honestIsraelite. Nathanael is puzzled by this and asks how Jesus knowshim. Jesus tells him that he saw him under the fig tree withPhilip. This doesn't seem quite to answer the question, but it isenough for Nathanael. He seems to have gained a miraculousknowledge of his own and proclaims Jesus the son of God and king ofIsrael. Jesus jokes with him that if he thinks that just becauseJesus saw him under a tree, he will see better things than that. Inparticular, Jesus promises him a vision of heaven opened withangels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
Any Jewish reader of this story would think immediately of the OldTestament story of Jacob and his dream of a ladder reaching fromearth to heaven (Genesis 28:10-15), with angels coming up anddown it. In the dream God promises Jacob that he will make a greatnation of him and will look after him wherever he goes.
With Nathanael's grand statement of who Jesus is, and then thereference to the vision of angels, the Gospel writer John seems towant to leave us in no doubt of the importance of this manJesus.
To Ponder
- Have you come across examples of Jesus joking before? To whatextent does this fit with your picture of him?
- Verse 49 gives us Nathanael's verdict on Jesus. What'syours?
- Verse 47 tells us what Jesus said about Nathanael. What wouldJesus say about you?