Monday 31 October 2011
- Bible Book:
- Luke
"Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No I tell you, but rather division." (v. 51)
These verses are part of the teachings of Jesus to the disciplesand to the crowds who have followed him. In
Today, 2,000 years later the question is still before us when wecome face to face with Jesus and the influence of his teachings. AmI willing to try and follow his ways or will I follow someone orsomething else? And then there's the second question; what sort ofkingdom, or community, will my actions bring out?
When we look around at communities in England, as we have done somuch this summer, we can clearly see the division between those whoseek peace and justice by showing love and compassion and those whoare intent on destruction and damage. Although it did not receivemuch media coverage after the recent riots in London and othercities, communities came together, united, to move beyond thedestruction and rebuild. Perhaps those people had had a glimpse ofthe kingdom of God being present in a small way. Many would notcall themselves Christian or people of any faith but somewould.
The simple fact is that when knowledge of Jesus is there, decisionshave to be made every minute of the day as to how we will live. Wealways have a choice: to do good or to do harm.
To Ponder
When you need to make a decision about the way tobehave, what guides you?
'It puzzles me that I am surrounded by people,who in their very humanity, show signs of living the Jesus way butdo not know anything about him.' How do you think that can be?
Is division always something to be avoided?Why?