Saturday 02 March 2013
"When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout out and say, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!' Many sternly ordered him to be quiet but he cried out even more loudly, 'Son of David, have mercy on me!'" (vv. 47-48)
This is much more than a healing miracle. It reveals a sharpcontrast between blind Bartimaeus and the disciples of Jesus, andit is Bartimaeus who is held up as the model for discipleship - themodel to imitate. Why is this case?
Bartimaeus recognises Jesus for who he is: "Son of David".Bartimaeus believes that Jesus can heal him, and rises to thechallenge of giving up begging and leading a new life to followJesus.
Sight in this story is a metaphor for faith and understanding. Thedisciples have not really seen or understood who Jesus is or whathe is about but Bartimaeus, the man who was blind, has seen in amore profound sense than purely physical healing. There is aninteresting parallel. When James and John came with their requestto Jesus (Mark 10:35-45), he asked them, "What is it youwant me to do for you?" (verse 36). They wanted power and position.When Bartimaeus came up to Jesus, Jesus asked him the samequestion, "What do you want me to do for you?" (verse 51). Thereply came like a shot, "My teacher, let me see again". And Jesusdoes allow him to see again, in the same way as he tries to openthe eyes of all who would be his disciples.
This story also shows Jesus' openness to all. Just as he did notsee shouting, playing children as a nuisance (
Bartimaeus shows that key to being a disciple is not status,education nor respectability but faith, a faith which responds whenJesus calls and does not turn back.
To Ponder
- Bartimaeus wanted a new life; he wanted to see and followJesus. What is there in your life which makes you less than eagerto follow Jesus or gets in the way of being the person God wantsyou to be?
- Imagine that you are James or John watching this encounterbetween Jesus and the blind man. What is your reaction to what yousee?