Saturday 03 February 2024

Bible Book:

'The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, "Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!"' (v. 34)

Luke 7:31-35 Saturday 3 February 2024

Psalm 73:15-28


It is difficult to know who Jesus is addressing at this time. In previous verses he was speaking to a crowd which included his disciples and other listeners, as well as teachers of the law and other religious leaders. 

The rhetorical question Jesus is discussing is what should he compare this current generation to?

By 'current generation' does he mean all people, just those gathered around him, or a specific generation of religious leaders?

Whoever it is he is seeking to make a comparison with, he ends up using the image of children playing in the marketplace. If we imagine the scene, we can see these children playing together and singing simple rhymes. It is a scene you will see in many playgrounds across the world even today, and may remember from your childhood.

The comparison leads Jesus to call out the childish behaviour of 'the generation’ he is comparing the playful children to. They don't like John the Baptist – he doesn't eat or drink so they say he has a demon. Jesus on the other hand does eat and drink, but they call him a glutton and a drunkard. We know that the Pharisees and others often use this term for Jesus and so it may be that the generation Jesus is talking about, is a generation of religious leaders who try to discredit anyone who threatens their way of life.

John called out the religious authorities from the desert, calling people to repentance and they ridiculed him. Jesus called them out in different ways and again they sought to undermine him. It is often the way that when people sense their power is being threatened that they undermine others. Jesus sees through this and compares them to children who play games and who do not play wisely.


To Ponder:

  • How can Jesus' observations about childish behaviour prompt us to reflect on our own responses to change, criticism or the threat of a shift in power dynamics?
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