Saturday 03 July 2010

Bible Book:

and your faithfulness by night." (v.1-2)

Psalm 92 Saturday 3 July 2010


After all the doom and gloom of the ever more terrifyingprophecies uttered by Amos in our readings this week we end on amore upbeat note. History records that the northern kingdom ofIsrael, the principal target of Amos' warnings, was indeed squashedby the weight of Assyria in 722 BC, leaving little behind.

But a remnant survived, and rebuilt a community in the area whichcame to be called Samaria, centred on Mount Gerizim, with their ownversion of the religion they had inherited, and today they arestill known as Samaritan Jews. We should note too that Amos' ownsouthern kingdom of Judah suffered a fate at least as bad as Israelwith the captivity in Babylon. But they too survived, and rebuilttheir temple and their religion.

So today's psalm is timely and fitting. It is a celebration of thesteadfast love of God. God's faithfulness endures even when God'speople are unfaithful. Yes, in the view of the psalmist the evilwill perish (and this was certainly the fate of many in both Israeland Judah). But God had made a promise to the people, and Godalways keeps God's word. For those, even a tiny remnant, who willlisten and respond there is hope. Always hope. Those who finally dowhat is right discover that God does the right thing too: "He is myrock, and there is no unrighteousness in him".

This psalm is headed 'Thanksgiving for Vindication'. God caresabout God's people, and we remember that in our first reading this week Jesus went to theSamaritans as well as to the Jews. Godis more interested in offering people future hope than in remindingthem of past failure.

To Ponder

Despite many set-backs, Judaism and Christianitystill survive, and even (in places) flourish today. Is thatevidence of God's faithfulness, or just the persistence ofreligious belief?

Do you think that God waits for us to do theright thing before God does the right thing? Is that part of theChristian message? Or do we believe that divine grace is biggerthan that?

"God is more interested in offering people futurehope than in reminding them of past failure." Are you relieved tohear that?

Friday 02 July 2010
Sunday 20 June 2010