Saturday 05 April 2008
"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." (v.2)
Paul talks of our lives being "hidden" with Christ. Our liveswill then be revealed when Christ is revealed.
But what does it mean for our lives to be "hidden with Christ inGod"?
To be hidden is to be unseen, unperceived and unknown. We do not,and cannot, truly know ourselves as God knows us.
God knows us as we truly are. This life hidden with Christ in God,both individual and part of a harmonious whole, cannot be graspedby the limited human mind. It is this self that, through faith, wemust live in accordance with. But it is only through faith that wecan do this - putting all our trust in the unseen, unknownGod.
All human ideas and concepts belong on this side of the veil thatlies between 'the earth' and 'the above'. Our worldly 'selves' toolie on this side of the veil. It is these 'selves' that Paul saysChristians must die to.
The 'self' that dies is tragically self-deceptive, limited andflawed. It is the 'worldly self' - inherently trapped in selfinterest. Perhaps it is fair to say that, from God's point of view,it is totally unreal.
The self that is alive in Christ is a miraculous creation of God.The beloved child of a parent who overflows with perfect lovetowards it.
To Ponder
How do we "set our minds on things that areabove" without losing sight of the needs of the world?
Do you ever feel that you wrestle between theworldly self and the self that is hidden in Christ? What form doesthis struggle take?