Saturday 12 December 2015
"See, the day is coming" (v. 1)
Psalm: Psalm 146
One of the great Christmas traditions is the panto - you cheerthe hero and boo the villain. And it all ends happily ever after,or does it? The boy gets the girl (or more often the girl gets theboy), but what happens to the villain is sometimes unsure. Moreoften than not, justice is meted out to them in one way oranother.
In today's passage there is an example of justice beingdispensed with the arrogant and evildoers being burnt up. But howdoes that sit with us?
One of the features of Methodism is its belief that no one isbeyond the reach of God's love. How is that seen in thispassage?
Methodists hold that salvation is there for everyone who turnsto God. Perhaps that is the answer. God's love is there for anyoneand everyone, but it does require a response (a turning to God).And that response, whatever it is, has consequences.
For Malachi, those who turn away from God will be burnt likestubble (verse 1), "but for you who revere my [God's] name, the sunof righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings" (verse2)!
- How comfortable are you with the judging nature of God?
- What are the consequences of your faith?
- How do you live out those consequences in your daily life anddiscipleship?