Saturday 12 November 2016
- Bible Book:
- Matthew
“Jesus stood still and called them, saying, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ They said to him, ‘Lord, let our eyes be opened.’ Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes. Immediately they regained their sight and followed him.” (vv. 32-34)
Psalm: Psalm 47
The healing of the blind men as Jesus prepares to enterJerusalem is no mere incidental occurrence. It is an allegory forwhat is happening to his disciples.
After Jesus had asked Peter who Peter understood Jesus to be,and Peter had said that Jesus was the Messiah, Jesus had spokenabout his suffering and death (
This blind spot is evident by the disciples' reaction to theevents on the way to Jerusalem and their misunderstanding of Jesus'teaching. Peter tells Jesus that Jesus has got it wrong about hisdeath (Matthew 16:22). The disciples have tried toprevent children being blessed by Jesus (
Despite all that Jesus has said the disciples are quite blind tothe reason they are going to Jerusalem! It is not only Jesus whowill suffer - his disciples will also share in the "cup" (ofsuffering) which he is about to drink (v. 22).
If only the disciples could be like the blind men who also seeJesus as the Messiah, the "Son of David" (v. 30). The men ask fortheir eyes to be opened, that they may see Jesus as he truly is,and may follow him. And why does Jesus touch their eyes? Because hehas pity and compassion (and anger!) on those who are blind andneed to see clearly.
To Ponder
- What do you think might be the blind spots of the disciples ofJesus today?
- Jesus only heals the blind man when they actually tell him whatthey need. What do you think this says about why God doesn'tautomatically sort the world out?
- What does this passage say to you about what a disciple iscalled to do and be?