Saturday 13 December 2008
- Bible Book:
- 2 Kings
"As they continued walking and talking, a chariot of fire and horses of fire separated the two of them, and Elijah ascended in a whirlwind into heaven." (v.11)
Having crossed the river Jordan, the prophets Elijah and Elishaare now in the region where Moses had died. Elisha, Elijah'sdisciple, asks to inherit a "double share" of Elijah's spirit - anallusion to the legal rights of the first-born. Elisha asks to betreated as Elijah's principal heir. Elijah says that the request isdifficult, meaning that such a thing would be difficult for a humanbeing to meet. The privilege is not his to give, but Elisha maywitness Elijah's departure.
As the two continue their journey, they are separated from oneanother by 'fiery chariots and horses' and Elijah ascends intoheaven in a tempest. For Elisha, the vision is an empowering one.It foreshadows the kind of ministry that Elisha will have - eg arole to play in Israel's wars - and hints at the source of hispower. Elisha then tears his clothing in two as a sign of mourning.He has been given the privilege of witnessing the gloriousassumption of his master.
What is most significant here is not the manner of the master'sdeparture, but Elisha's vision of heavenly power in the midst ofhuman struggles. Elisha is empowered by that knowledge. The samepoint is made in the New Testament accounts of the Transfigurationof Jesus (Matthew17:1-8). We are, perhaps, inclined to focus on the glory of theascension of Elijah - but what is equally important is thefulfilment of God's will in Elisha becoming the new prophet ofIsrael.
To Ponder
In this Advent and Christmas season, we tend toconcentrate on the manner of Jesus' coming and forget about theimportant message that the birth of Christ announces. We live in aworld where the increasingly commercialised Christmas seems toovershadow the spiritual significance. In your life, how can youredress the balance?
As we ponder again the message of the angels tothe world at the birth of Christ (