Saturday 15 August 2009

Bible Book:

"So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God." (v.7)

Galatians 4:4-7 Saturday 15 August 2009


It is thought that Paul wrote this letter to the Galatians so asto refute the views of certain Jewish Christian teachers who werechallenging his authority as an apostle. They were teaching thatJewish and Gentile (non-Jewish) converts to Christianity had toobserve a number of ceremonial practices of the Law of Moses(including circumcision and observing the Jewish food laws).

Through his writing, Paul makes the case that it isby gracethrough faith alonethat human beings are justified, and it is by faith alone that theyare to live out their new lives in the freedom of the Spirit.

Also, he emphatically states that human beings are justified byfaith in Jesus Christ and not in any other way or by any otherprocess. He makes it clear that we cannot be saved by works of'Law'. Only Christ can save us.

Paul states that through faith in Jesus Christ we are all equal inGod's sight, and that the justified believer, by adoption, is afull adult and heir in God's family with all the accompanyingprivileges and rights. Indeed, verse 7 of today's Bible passagestates that Christians are "God's heirs". This means that whatJesus inherited as God's son, we also inherit because we are God'schildren.

Consequently, we have access to all God's wonderful gifts andpowers, and each has been given certain talents and abilities touse for good in the world.

To Ponder

Have you made a personal response to God throughJesus Christ, or is your faith a matter of what you learnt as achild or have been told by others? Is any one more significant thanthe other?

What aspects of faith do you find it easy toaccept in theory, but hard in practise?

If you are a Christian, are you aware of all yourGod-given talents and abilities? To what extent are you using themfor God's purposes?

Friday 14 August 2009
Sunday 02 August 2009