Saturday 15 December 2007

Bible Book:

"For I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind." (v.17)

Isaiah 65:17-25 Saturday 15 December 2007


This week's theme has been 'The way of the Lord' and thispassage from Isaiah speaks to us of how things will be when God hashis way; when heaven and earth will be made new.

As Advent unfolds, and we reflect upon our world of pain andoppression, this beautiful passage from Isaiah silences the readerwith its power.

Isaiah's prophecy is to God's people who have known the pain ofexile, the violation of captivity and alienation in a foreign land.It speaks of a time when God will create new heavens and a newearth. It is delivered to the heart of the painful experiences ofthe people who hear. But it is a passage that spans time and speaksto the heart of our world. Just imagine what the promise meant tothe Israelites and means to people today whose daily life is astruggle.

No longer will mothers live in poverty and weep for the loss ofanother child, for it is not God's way. No longer will people buildthe homes of the rich and have no homes for themselves, for it isnot God's way. No longer will underpaid exploited farmers see thefood they grow flown to a foreign land while they go in hunger, forit is not God's way. For a world riddled by war and violence, God'sway is a peace that means not even a lamb will be threatened by awolf.

Advent is a time to expect the new things that Isaiah prophesies.Yes we celebrate that God came to earth as a baby swaddled incloths and laid in a manger but Advent is about anticipation ofwhat is to come… To remember that Christ will come again and bringjustice and peace to the world, and that one day, God's word spokenthrough Isaiah will be a reality.

To Ponder

What do you think a new heaven and a new earthwill be like?

What are your hopes for the future?

What is your prayer for the world thisAdvent?

Friday 14 December 2007
Sunday 02 December 2007