Saturday 20 March 2010
- Bible Book:
- John
"But some asked, 'Surely the Messiah does not come from Galilee, does he? Has not the scripture said that the Messiah is descended from David and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David lived?'" (v.41-42)
The Gospel writer makes it clear that Jesus' words and actionsgave rise to much complaining and muttering among 'the Jews', thatis, among the chief priests and Pharisees, the people in whomreligious order and authority was invested. Others, however,glimpsed in Jesus such exceptional gifts of wisdom and grace thatthey were willing to call him Messiah - the longed-for saviour ofthe people. This in turn led to further arguments due to thewidespread reluctance to acknowledge that the Messiah could comefrom Galilee.
Some spoke of the prophecy that he would come from Bethlehem, butfor others their reluctance was based upon prejudice. In the firstchapter of John's Gospel we hear Nathaniel asking, "Can anythinggood come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46).
In the midst of the crowd, John allows us to glimpse Nicodemus, theJewish leader who had previously approached Jesus under cover ofdarkness for a conversation (
We might wonder whether Nicodemus was secretly pleased or insultedto find himself bracketed with Jesus as a Galilean, and therefore apossible friend and follower. We might also reflect upon what itmight have meant for Nicodemus to be 'born again'. According toJesus' own words this would have been a confirmation of all thefaith teaching in which Nicodemus was steeped, yet it would alsohave required him to 'break ranks' with his fellow Pharisees andchoose to live in the light of fresh truth as glimpsed inChrist.
To Ponder
Do you find yourself reluctant at times torecognise special gifts in unexpected people? How might anunderstanding of the light of Christ being in every person changeyour perceptions?
Can you recall an occasion when you weremisunderstood or wrongly described? How did you respond?
What examples can you call to mind where aperson's parentage, race, gender, age or sexual orientation havebeen cited as reasons to doubt their worth or ability? How does thetruth embodied in Christ challenge you to respond to such incidentsof prejudice?