Saturday 21 September 2024

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax booth; and he said to him, “Follow me.” (v. 9)

Matthew 9:9-13 Saturday 21 September 2024

Psalm 119:65-72

Today is the day in the Church year when we remember St Matthew. No-one knows exactly how or when he died. The Western Church chose 21 September as a day to remember him and the Eastern Church chose 16 November.

We don’t know much about Matthew (who is also known as Levi – Mark 2:14) except that he was a tax collector. Tax collectors were despised both because of the money they took from people and because this money was given to the occupying Romans.

This is not the first time Jesus has called someone to follow him “as (he) was walking along” (v. 9). The four fishermen were also called to follow Jesus “as he walked by the sea of Galilee” (Matthew 4:18). They were being invited to walk with Jesus both literally and metaphorically.

In order to walk with Jesus, Matthew, who was sitting at his tax-booth, had to get up. The word used for “get up” here can also be translated as “arise”. There is a hint here that getting up and following Jesus sets us on the path to resurrection.

It is somewhat ironic that as soon as Matthew has got up, he is sitting down again (v. 10). He has taken his place at the dinner table with other tax-collectors and sinners. Perhaps this is also a symbol of the risen life – a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to which “not the righteous but sinners” are called. (v. 13)

To Ponder:

  • To ‘follow’ someone today is often associated with social media. Whom do you follow and why? Do you have any followers yourself?
  • At the foot of this webpage there are some suggestions about how to celebrate St. Matthew’s Day at home. What other suggestions do you have?
  • Who have you come across recently doing jobs that could make them unpopular?

God of love,
we pray today for:
people we know called Matthew ….
people doing jobs that make them unpopular …
people we have noticed as we have been walking along …
Help them to know that they are invited to dinner with you. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Nicola Vidamour
Nicola is the Director of Reflective Pastoral Supervision at Wesley House in Cambridge. She loves travel, tea, theatre and Taizé.

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