Saturday 22 June 2024

"Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her." (v. 42)

Luke 10:38-42 Saturday 22 June 2024

Psalm 148


If we thought that Jesus was good at answering those who were trying to trick him, such as in yesterday’s reading, then we now enter a whole new dimension as we see him arbitrating in a family dispute between two sisters.

Mary and Martha are seeing the presence of Jesus in very different ways and Martha is far from impressed that she has been left with all the work to do. The work is important, it is necessary and someone has to do it, and why is it all left to me is the gist of Martha’s complaint. And probably most of us reading this are with her in this. We too are hard-working. In many churches all the physical tasks are left to a few, and in too many congregations there isn’t a next generation coming along to lift the load from us. We have to carry on because it needs doing. Martha is right, isn’t she?

Jesus doesn’t quite see it that way. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem where he will suffer and be killed. Perhaps it isn’t the moment for a big meal and a celebration. Perhaps Mary has actually recognised this. Has Martha got it wrong? She is being generous and hard-working but there is a risk she is welcoming Jesus on her own terms. A good meal and everything just right is the way she wants to meet with Jesus. That’s not what Jesus wanted on that day and it’s the reminder to us that the kingdom of God is not built on our values and actions, but rather they need to reflect the kingdom of God. We are often reminded that mission is joining in where God is at work. And that is not always where we are comfortable being.

To Ponder:

  • Are we able to easily recognise and join in where God is at work?
  • Does Martha get a bit of a hard time here?

Gracious God, help us to see you in others today. May someone whose thoughts and actions are very different to ours reveal more of your love and grace to us.

Bible notes author: The Revd Dr Stephen Skuce
Stephen is the Superintendent of the North Western District of The Methodist Church in Ireland.

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