Saturday 23 September 2017

Bible Book:
2 Peter

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” (v. 18)

2 Peter 3:14-18 Saturday 23 September 2017

Psalm: Psalm 88


Peter has been struggling with issues surrounding truth andfalsehood, a delayed end time, and the doubts and fears of an EarlyChurch community. In this veritable storm of controversy andconflict he encourages his readers to keep their eyes on the ball.He wants them to focus on the truths that make a difference. Thedelay of the end time is evidence only of God's patience thatallows them time to be without spot or blemish. Peter acknowledgesPaul's letters and warns about the abuse of them (verse 15-16).Through it all though he simply wants to remind them that theirhope and challenges is to "grow in the grace and knowledge of ourLord and Saviour Jesus Christ". This is what matters; the rest isdistraction and complication.

I doubt there is the same urgency today about the end time amongmany Christians. We have found ways to resolve the 'yet to be' withthe present reality of the Risen Christ. We hold a hope of a futurekingdom, but also notice that the signs of that kingdom are allaround. However, our Church today finds itself tossed around bymany strong winds of conflict and controversy. We also know what itis to be unsure of how to make sense of Scripture, how to discerntruth in the messy reality of culture, opinion and diverse humanexperience. Perhaps for us, as with the congregations of Peter'stime, we are to focus on what matters.

The kingdom comes where "righteousness is at home" (2Peter 3:13), and we are encouraged to keep to things that areof eternal value and accept that much that troubles us will, infact, pass away. Above all, we too are encouraged to grow in graceand the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Such a growth will not stillthose storms or resolve the complex issues that trouble and divideus, but they will give us a purpose and sense of direction. Ourbusiness as theirs is to grow ever more into the likeness ofChrist.

To Ponder

  • What are the conflicts and controversies that you find mostchallenging?
  • How does the phrase, "righteousness is at home" mean toyou?
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