Saturday 28 September 2024

But as for you, man of God, shun all this; pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. (v. 11)

1 Timothy 6:11-16 Saturday 28 September 2024

Psalm 73:15-28

We come to the end of this difficult week of teaching, in which some of us who do not hold any office within the Church might have felt at times somewhat smug hearing what Paul has to say to those who do. He lays down quite strict rules for their lifestyles and his words are quite harsh at times. Now he addresses those who are just ordinary listeners.

It may well be that these words were directed at Timothy, to whom the letter is addressed, who it seems has been set aside from all the others criticised in Paul's writing. However, these are words which are relevant to any of us, whether members of a congregation or in any kind of office within the Church, as Paul is spelling out what it really means if we are a follower of Christ. He writes of the perfection which is needed.

I have wondered as I worked on this week's Bible notes, how perfect Paul himself was, but that is by the by. Here in this short passage we have set out the true meaning of what it means to be faithful to the gospel. Verses 11-12 spell it out so well. We are urged to “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith.” How many of us could in all honesty say that we truly are able to carry out those commands? The words point to us the perfection which, according to the text will arrive at the promised return of Jesus Christ and the world becoming as God intended at the beginning. All we can do is to try our best and keep the gospel and the commandments of Jesus before us day by day.

To Ponder:

  • Do you ever despair that you can never live up to the demands that faith in the Lord Jesus might require? Does that cause you to want to flee, or to come more deeply to prayer asking for the strength to truly be his people?
  • Which of the challenges in this passage do you find hardest to pursue?
  • After hearing Paul’s words to Timothy, have you been given a better insight into the challenge we have when we hear the call of Jesus? Do you see the humanity of Paul coming through when he says we should try harder to fulfil the faith we have, day by day?

When we hear your call and turn to follow you, Lord, give us the strength through your Holy Spirit to do our best to give our lives fully over to your presence. Show us the journey you would have us follow, and walk with us every step of the way to prevent us from stumbling. If we fall, then in your love reach down and lift us up so that we might truly play our part in building the perfect world you created, where all people can live in peace and all war and hardship can cease. We go into the world in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bible notes author: The Revd Pat Billsborrow
Pat came into ministry 37 years ago and she has been a supernumerary for 18 years. She is happy to continue serving wherever she is needed.

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