Saturday 30 October 2010
- Bible Book:
- Philippians
"For to me, living is Christ, and dying is gain." (v.21)
Paul is in prison. He knows that he will either be released orhe will be executed, but has no way of knowing which it will be. Hehas been arrested for preaching the gospel, and has appealed to theRoman Emperor to hear his case. In the meantime he is under housearrest, where he can receive visitors and write letters, but wherehis physical freedom is severely restricted (
Paul refuses to back down about his faith. His lack of personalpossessions does not worry him because he knows that he will berichly rewarded in heaven.
Those who do not believe in the afterlife are focused on havingeverything in this brief earthly life. This can lead to a lifespent striving for more and more things, instead of enjoying thethings we already have. Paul reminds us that we have time to enjoythe simple blessings of this life, and time to spend building arelationship with God. Money, power and wealth will mean nothingwhen we meet with God in heaven.
Paul's life is lived in Christ's service, and death will be thegateway to living alongside God. He has great faith that God willcontinue to provide for his physical needs and gives all his energyto supporting others and spreading the gospel. The purpose of hislife is to love God.
To Ponder
Paul devoted his life to loving God. What is thepurpose of your life?
Some people say they are Christians to gainpolitical or social standing. What is your faith focused on? God?Personal gain? Something else?
Paul spoke out for God even though he knew thiswould get him into trouble. What risks are you willing to take forChrist?