Sunday 01 March 2009
- Bible Book:
- Mark
"The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news." (v.15)
Jesus, who is speaking these words, came from Nazareth inGalilee and was approximately 30 years old when he started hisministry in around AD 27. All three persons of the Holy Trinity(the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are present at the baptism ofJesus:
"And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavenstorn apart and the Spirit descending like a dove on him. And avoice came from heaven, 'You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I amwell pleased'" (verses 9-11).
God speaks from heaven - "You are my Son" - confirming that theFather proclaims Jesus as God's son.
This occasion marked the beginning of Christ's messianic ministryand it indicated that Jesus was dedicated to the service of God,and was officially approved by God. This is especially illustratedby the descent of the Holy Spirit. In his baptism, Jesus identifiedhimself with humanity's sin and failure, even though he himselfneeded no cleansing from sin. Jesus' baptism was an example to hisfollowers.
The second part of this passage (verses 12-13) marks what is oftenknown as 'The Temptation'. The significance of this is that itoccurs at the outset of Jesus' ministry, and therefore gives us aninsight into the type of Messiah he would be.
As God made flesh, Jesus did not sin, nor had any inclination ordesire to sin. His temptation was symbolic. He was confronted bythe tempter (Satan) with very real opportunities to sin, and yetchose not to use his supernatural powers for his own needs. In theprocess, he became a model for all people who find themselvestempted, whether it be in words, actions or inner desire. AlthoughJesus was the Son of God, he defeated Satan by using a weapon thateveryone possesses - the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is theWord of God (
To Ponder
Are you ready? What can you do to make sure youare ready?
Are you prepared? What can you do to make sureyou are prepared?
In the Lord's Prayer, when you pray "And lead usnot into temptation; but deliver us from evil", what does it meanfor you?