Sunday 03 February 2008

Bible Book:

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." (v.6)

Matthew 5:1-12 Sunday 3 February 2008


Jesus opens his teaching in the passage called 'The Sermon onthe Mount' with a list of nine beatitudes (a beatitude is acondition of well-being). He outlines the approach to life thatshould be adopted by those who are his disciples if they want toexperience wholeness. And, straightaway, here is the rub!

Matthew's Gospel indicates that Jesus' teaching was addressed tothe disciples, whilst the crowd that had followed them, listenedin. So, Jesus' teaching is for those who are committed to follow inhis footsteps but it should be heard by those who are wondering ifbecoming a disciple is for them.

Hunger of God begins when we recognise that God can fill the holesin our living. It grows as we learn of all that God offers and allthat he desires for each one of us - that is, that we be filledwith:

  • the kingdom of heaven (v.3 & 10)
  • comfort (v.4)
  • an earthly inheritance (v.5)
  • satisfaction (v.6)
  • mercy (v.7)
  • a glimpse of God (v.8)
  • a place in God's family (v.9)
  • an eternal reward (v.11)

The more we realise that this is what God wants, the moreour desire to live the kind of life that God prefers. Thewell-being that God wants for us comes about through a hunger forGod that brings about:

  • recognition that without God we are nothing (v.3)
  • sorrow for all that is evil (v.4)
  • humility before God (v.5)
  • a longing to do what is right and just (v.6)
  • a reflection of the graciousness of God (v.7)
  • single-minded devotion to God (v.8)
  • peace with God and others (v.9)
  • willingness to suffer for God's sake (v.11)


To Ponder

Which of the beatitudes sums up your currentneed?

Does your behaviour or attitude create astumbling block to faith in Jesus for other people? What can you doto change this?

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