Sunday 04 November 2007

Bible Book:

"When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, 'Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today'. So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him". (v.5-6)

Luke 19:1-10 Sunday 4 November 2007


In Jesus' day, tax collectors were not just unpopular, they weredespised and shunned. Because they worked for the Romans, who wereoccupying the country, they were seen as collaborators with theenemy.

In addition, the Romans were not very particular about the methodsused by those who collected taxes on their behalf. Many taxcollectors resorted to methods which were forbidden under Jewishlaw. Intimidation, extortion and violence were commonplace.

So, although most tax collectors became rich it was at the cost ofbecoming outcasts in their own society. Ordinary people avoidedthem and they were not very welcome on social occasions, not evenat worship. Some tax collectors coped with this, but othersstruggled with their exclusion.

By the way in which he tells the story, Luke intends us to noticewhat Jesus didn't say or do, as well as what he did. People wouldhave expected a religious teacher such as Jesus to demandrepentance from Zacchaeus before he would enter the house. However,Jesus did not do that. By simply asking to be his guest, Jesus sentout a clear signal that he accepted Zacchaeus just as he was.

In turn, Jesus' willingness to do this caused people in the crowdto criticise him for what they saw as his moral laxity. In thisstory, Jesus confounds the expectations of conventionally religiouspeople about who is acceptable to God.

Stories with this message are a regular feature of Luke'sGospel.

To Ponder

Why do you think Zacchaeus was so keen to seeJesus?

What do you think caused Zacchaeus to repent andoffer to make restitution to those he had defrauded?

Is restitution sometimes appropriate today whensomeone has wronged another person? If so, under whatcircumstances?

Saturday 17 November 2007
Monday 05 November 2007