Sunday 06 March 2011

Bible Book:

"And he was transformed before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white." (v. 2)

Matthew 17:1-9 Sunday 6 March 2011


This account is rich in references to the Messiah (the anointedone whom the Jews expected God to send as their liberator) andallusions to Jewish history. According to tradition Elijah wouldreturn as the herald of the Messiah and there was a belief thatMoses would accompany the Messiah. On their way down the mountainthe disciples asked about Elijah returning and inferred from Jesus'answer that John the Baptist played that role (verses10-13). Moses, the supreme law-giver, and Elijah, the greatestof the prophets, together represent the Jewish covenant and journeywith God. The Transfiguration can be interpreted as heralding a newcovenant.

The luminous (or bright) cloud (verse 5) is a recurring visiblesymbol of the Shekhinah (the indwelling of God) (eg Exodus13:21), while Jesus' brightly shining face recalls the radiantface of Moses when he had been in the presence of God (Exodus34:29-35). The unseen voice echoes the message from the heavensat Jesus' Baptism. This is a reaffirmation of Jesus' person androle as he stands on the threshold of the most challenging part ofhis mission. It will underpin his commitment through Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46) and on to his crucifixion atCalvary.

For the disciples this preview of the glory of the resurrectedJesus is an answer to their earlier questioning of Jesus'statements about his forthcoming suffering and death (Matthew 16:21-23) - though it's a vision theywill lose sight of during Jesus' arrest and execution. Peter'sfirst reaction is to want to do something practical rather than tofocus on learning from the experience. Such "dwellings" (verse 4)are temporary shelters (also called 'booths' or 'tabernacles'),which commemorate God's protection during the wilderness years thatthe Israelites spent in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:33-43).

The Transfiguration site is possibly Mount Hermon near CaesareaPhilippi where Jesus was beforehand. Mountains are often linked tointense experiences of God's presence. But however much thedisciples might like to stay, they must come down the mountain.Their first encounter will be with an epileptic boy (Matthew 17:14-21). It's a reminder that'mountain top' experiences, moments of particular closeness to God,are not an end in themselves. They are meant to sustain us throughdifficult challenges and dark days of doubt and to inspire us tocommit ourselves fully to the tasks set for us.

To Ponder

What is the most significant aspect of theTransfiguration for you?

What have been the your 'mountain top'experiences for you? How do you use the inspiration and insightsyou derive from the high points of your Christian journey tostrengthen your faith when difficulties and doubts arise?

You probably don't have the obvious change inappearance that Moses experienced when he had been with God. Sowhat is it about you that would tell people when you have been inthe presence of God?

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