Sunday 08 June 2014
"Jesus said to them again, 'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you'. When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit ... '" (vv. 21-22)
It is evening on the first Easter Sunday. The disciples arefrightened because of the events of the past few days and havelocked themselves away. Then the risen Jesus comes and stands inthe room with them.
In this moment Jesus offers them evidence of the reality of whathas happened on the Cross by revealing the crucifixion marks on hishands and in his side - and also evidence of the reality of hisrisen presence with them.
The words of peace (verses 19 and 21) are in one sense the words ofa common greeting - meaning no more than "May all be well with you"- but they have already been given far greater significance by Johnin earlier sections of his Gospel (
It is in the context of this resurrection encounter and of thegiving of peace that Jesus breathes on those who are gathered andinvites them to "Receive the Holy Spirit". Here, in John's Gospelthere is no waiting for the day of Pentecost (unlike the accountinActs 2) - butit is on the evening of the day of resurrection that the Spirit isgiven.
The final verse challenges those present to look outwards and beinvolved in offering forgiveness to others. This is a reminder thatthe Spirit is not given to us simply for our own benefit, but isgiven to enable us to do the work of the kingdom.
On this day of Pentecost we are invited once again to encounter therisen Jesus. In that encounter we hear his words spoken first tothose behind locked doors 2000 years ago, spoken today to each oneof us, "Receive the Holy Spirit".
To Ponder
- How can we daily accept Jesus' invitation to "Receive the HolySpirit"?
- What might it mean for us to live the "Life in the Spirit"beyond the walls of our church buildings?
- Reflect on the similarities and differences between theseverses and the account of the day of Pentecost recorded in
Acts 2. In whatways do these two different accounts speak to you?