Sunday 08 November 2009
"As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake – for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make you fish for people.' And immediately they left their nets and followed him." (v.16-18)
The beginning of Mark's Gospel describes how John the Baptisthad been preparing the way for Jesus, whom John had baptised in theRiver Jordan (Mark1:1-12) before being arrested and killed (see
"And immediately," we read, "they left their nets and followedhim." Jesus' call is urgent, and the response is instantaneous andaffirmative. Both Jesus and the disciples were alive to oneanother. They recognised something special in each other and wereprepared to give up everything in self-sacrificial giving.
The four fishermen were likely to have been quite prosperous. Weknow that Simon and Andrew had a house and family (
Today is Remembrance Sunday and we give thanks for all those peoplewho have given their lives for a cause they believed in. Inremembering, we are calling the past into the present and remindingourselves that hope for the future lies not in self-interest, butin self-sacrifice: the very attribute that Jesus and the disciplesdisplayed.
To Ponder
If you are a Christian, how can you maintainJesus' sense of urgency in making disciples?
What do you think it was about Jesus thatcompelled the disciples to give up everything as soon as he askedthem?
Can you think of a person or a cause that hasinspired you to take immediate action? What was it that immediatelyattracted you? And how did you respond?