Sunday 09 August 2009
"Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.'" (v.35)
In his Gospel, John emphasises eternal life as a reality that isalready present on earth in the person of Jesus. He's a truetheologian and not simply a chronicler of events. He wanted tovividly show Jesus' divinity and the special mystery of God mademan.
To this end he used seven self-descriptions of Jesus introduced by"I am", and the first of them is contained in John 6:35. The othersare:
- light of the world (8:12, 9:5)
- gate for the sheep (10:7)
- good shepherd (10:11)
- resurrection and the life (11:25)
- way, and the truth, and the life (14:6)
- true vine (15:1)
In verse 49, Jesus draws a contrast with the Jews who atemanna in the wilderness, yet still died. This is a referenceto
It's possible that John may have written his Gospel withmainly Greek readers in mind (specifically, it is thought, forGreek speaking Jews who were not yet believers in the new Christianfaith), but the primary purpose of his Gospel was evangelistic. Hewanted to build up believers as well as win newconverts.
To Ponder
What do you feel is involved in making acommitment to follow Jesus?
Will such a commitment be theoretical or involvemaking life-changing decisions? Why did you choose that option?
What qualities should non-Christians feel areemanating from the lives of committed Christians?